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Internet Services

If you like the look and feel of this web site, and would like a similar one produced for you or your business, club or association then we highly recommend The ReallyGood Software Company.

If you're after graphic design services, send us an email via our Contact Us link and we'll see what we can do for you.

Listed below are some links to various computing, software and internet sites, that you may find useful.

The ReallyGood
    Software Company

    The Software you've been looking for...

    Search engine, free websites...

    Search, Chat, Free email...

    Search engine...

    Search engine...

POYT International
    Web site management...

KLB Systems
    Custom Network and Computer Solutions...

Ask Jeeves
    Got a question?...

    Search engine...

    Internet Service Provider

KD Enterprises


Arnold the Amorous Penguin
Arnold the Amorous Penguin

Ernie the Wonder Buffalo
Ernie the Wonder Buffalo

Merryl the Rubber Chicken
Merryl the Rubber Chicken

Proton Girl
Proton Girl

The Vomitorium
The Vomitorium


(c) 2000 KD Enterprises Inc.