Welcome to the home page of The Man Who Drinks Milo.
Milo Man officially endorses Milo in all known and possibly some unknown forms.
Whether it be a hot or cold chocolatey drink (with or with marshmallows), sprinkled on ice cream or spooned right out of the can, I'm in there and doing it.
The marketing whizzes at Milo have finally woken up to the potential of this wonderful substance and it is now available in several different forms: Chocolate Bars (large and small), ice cream, biscuits and chilled desert snacks.
For more information about Milo, visit The Official Milo Home Page
Click here to visit the diverse and extensive range of my Milo recipe library.
Many visitors to this site are here because they have seen The Man Who Drinks Milo in Yahoo chat. Either they have been amused by his antics, deeply insulted by his cunning wit or just want to know what the hell Milo is because they have never heard of it.
Here are some quotes transcribed from Yahoo chat rooms attributed to 'The Man Who Drinks Milo':
"BIOYA!!!" Click here to find out what it means.
"Buddy, you're not worth the poop in my anus"
"Click here for my reaction to your last comment --> www.kissmyass.com"
"That'll put hairs on your undies"
"You're not Robinson Carusoe"